Book an appointment
Information and booking
Book an appointment at Yorkview Medical Centre by calling us at 416-633-3711
Policies & Safety
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our provisions of services. To book an appointment with your doctor please call the office at 416-633-3711. Please note that at this time, most appointments are virtual telephone appointments. If necessary, your physician will arrange an in-person appointment.
If you are given an in-person appointment please arrive at the time of your appointment. Early arrivals will not be allowed in the clinic. Upon arrival wait in the corridor until a patient care aid comes to get you. Once screened and hands sanitized you will be escorted directly to an exam room.
You must wear a mask at all times while in the building.
Contact Us
Yorkview Medical Centre
Office Address: 3695 Keele Street,
Downsview, ON M3J 1N2
Phone: 416-633-3711
Fax: 416-633-0521
Email: admin@yorkview.ca
Clinic Hours: Monday to Thursday (9 am to 8 pm)
Friday (9 am to 4 pm)
Saturday is an urgent clinic only (9 am to 12 noon)